Les Enfants Terribles

12 luglio: “illegali” i sit-down in strada compiuti dal GARC ad Ardoyne

Greater Ardoyne Residents CollectiveIl sit-down eseguito per protesta in occasione della marcia dell’Orange Order ad Ardoyne ha infranto la decisione della Commissione Parate. E’ stato dichiarato in un’aula di tribunale durante un processo contro 26 residenti di North Belfast.

Per Ronnie Pedlow, l’allora segretario dell’organismo che regola le parate contenziose, i contestatori di Ardoyne dovevano restare obbligatoriamente sul marciapiede, senza scendere sulla carreggiata.

Pedlow ha testimoniato durante il caso avviato contro 26 persone accusate di attività ostruzionistica llegale in luogo pubblico avvenuto in occasione delle parate del “The Twelfth” 2010 (il 12 luglio).

In tribunale sono stati ascoltati i dettagli di due organizzazioni separate operanti nell’area, la Crumlin Road Residents Association (CARA) e il Greater Ardoyne Residents’ Collective (GARC).

“Portare la protesta sulla carreggiata sarebbe contro la decisione della Commissione”, ha spiegato Pedlow.

Il caso continua.

Sit-down protests at Ardoyne ‘illegal’

Any sit-down road protest at the scene of a disputed Orange Order march in north Belfast breached a Parades Commission determination, a court heard yesterday.

Ronnie Pedlow, then secretary of the body which rules on contentious processions, insisted that objectors at Ardoyne were restricted to footpaths.

He was giving evidence as prosecutors opened their case against 26 people charged with obstructing lawful activity in a public place during a Twelfth of July march in 2010.

The charges are being defended on the basis that residents and campaigners were involved in a peaceful sit-down protest.

The court heard details of two separate bodies operating in the area, the Crumlin Ardoyne Residents’ Association (CARA) and the Greater Ardoyne Residents’ Coalition (GARC).

“To take a protest on the carriageway would be against the Commission determination,” Mr Pedlow said. The case continues.

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