Les Enfants Terribles

Accuse ridotte a omicidio colposo per gli assassini di Kevin McDaid

Sette uomini accusati di aver assassinato Kevin McDaid a Coleraine si sono visti ridurre l’accusa ad omicidio colposo

Kevin McDaidLa Pubblica Accusa (Public Prosecution Service – PPS) ha riferito lunedì nel tribunale di Ballymena che intende cancellare le accuse di omicidio.

Kevin McDaid fu aggredito da un folto gruppo di lealisti a pochi metri dalla sua abitazione nel quartiere di Heights a Coleraine, nel maggio 2009.

Il declassamento delle accuse significa che nessuno degli attuali imputati sarà processato per l’omicido del lavoratore comunitario.

In totale 11 uomini sono stati accusati della morte del 49enne, padre di quattro figli, e del tentato omicidio del suo amico Damien Fleming.

Fleming fu lasciato sul selciato in condizioni gravissime.

Tutti i sette imputati che hanno visto la modifica delle accuse provengono da Coleraine.

Si tratta di David Craig Cochrane, di Windyhall Park, il cinquantenne Frank Simpson Daly, di Rosemary Place, Christopher McDowell, 35 anni, di Glebe Avenue, il cinquantaduenne John McGrath, di Hawthorne Place, Paul Andrew Newman, 43 anni, di Grassmere Close, John Thompson, 31 anni, di Daneshill Road e il trentenne James McAfee di Lisnablagh Road.

Gli imputati compariranno in tribunale nel corso del mese di ottobre.

Le restanti accuse di tentato omicidio, rissa e aggressione, elevate contro gli altri uomini restano valide.

Kevin McDaid murder charges to be dropped to manslaughter

Seven men who were accused of murdering Kevin McDaid in Coleraine are to have their charges reduced to manslaughter.

The Public Prosecution Service told Ballymena Magistrates’ Court on Monday that it intends to drop the murder charges.

Mr McDaid was attacked by a loyalist mob just yards from his home in the Heights area of Coleraine in May 2009.

The reduction in charges means none of those currently charged will be tried for the murder of the community worker.

In total 11 men were charged in connection with the death of the 49-year-old father-of-four and the attempted murder of his friend Damien Fleming.

Mr Fleming was left in a critical condition in hospital following the attack after a row over flags in the area.

The seven men originally charged with Mr McDaid’s murder are all from Coleraine.

They are 21-year-old David Craig Cochrane, of Windyhall Park, 50-year-old Frank Simpson Daly, of Rosemary Place, Christopher McDowell, 35, of Glebe Avenue and 52-year-old John McGrath, of Hawthorne Place, Paul Andrew Newman, 43, of Grassmere Close, John Thompson, 31, of Daneshill Road and 30-year-old James McAfee of Lisnablagh Road.

The men are due to reappear in court later this month.

The remaining attempted murder, affray and assault charges against other men allegedly involved in the attack still stand.

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