Les Enfants Terribles

Agenti feriti durante disordini a North Belfast

Due agenti di polizia sono stati trasportati in ospedale in seguito a disordini scoppiati a North Belfast

PSNI | Polizia | PoliceHanno subito tagli e abrasioni al viso ed alle mani quando sono stati attaccati da una folla n Ballysillan Road il pomeriggio di lunedì.

E’ avvenuto mentre parlavano con tre uomini fermati durante il loro pattugliamento, poco dopo le 16,30.

Anche altri due poliziotti sono rimasti feriti, ma non hanno richiesto medicazioni.

Un portavoce della polizia ha riferito dell’utilizzo di spray CS (lacrimogeno) durante l’icidente.

Tre uomini sono stati arrestati e stanno aiutando la polizia nelle indagini.

Police injured in north Belfast disturbance

Two police officers have been taken to hospital following a disturbance in north Belfast.

They sustained cuts and bruising to their faces and hands when they were attacked by a crowd at Ballysillan Road on Monday afternoon.

It happened as they spoke to three men they had stopped in the course of their patrol, shortly after 4.30pm.

Two other officers were also injured, but did not require hospital treatment.

A police spokesman said that CS spray had been used by police during the incident.

Three men have been arrested and are currently helping police with their enquiries.

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