Les Enfants Terribles

Allarmi sicurezza a Derry rivendicati da Real IRA

Una serie di allarmi sicurezza nel cuore di Derry hanno causato la chiusura di alcune strade

Artificiere dell'esercito | Army bomb disposal officerLa Real IRA ha già rivendicato la responsabilità per gli allarmi bomba.

Un furgone rubato è stato lasciato fuori dalla stazione di polizia di Strand Road e le strade tra Lawrence Hill e Asylum Road sono state chiuse.

La zona è vicina a due importanti centri di educazione, il North West Regional College (NWRC) ed il Magee campus dell’University of Ulster.

NWRC ha confermato la chiusura oggi degli edifici in Northland e Strand Road a causa degli allarmi.

Due ambulatori medici – uno nella parte bassa di Lawrence Hill e uno in Asylum Road, e numerose imprese sono stati colpiti dall’allarme di Strand Road.

Nel secondo allarme sicurezza, la zona del tribunale di Derry in Bishop Street è stata cordonata dalla polizia. Gli artificieri dell’esercito sono stati inviati in entrambi i luoghi.

Il Bayview Medical Practice, vicino alla stazione PSNI di Strand Road, ha spiegato che resterà chiuso fino al termine degli allarmi.

La polizia sta anche evacuando i lavoratori dagli edifici distrettuali. E’ già stato anticipato un probabile congestionamento del traffico e gli automobilisti sono stati avvertiti di non recarsi nella zona.

Entrambi gli accessi al ponte di Craigavon sono stati chiusi al traffico sebbene ai pedoni sia ancora permesso l’attraversamento tramite la campata inferiore.

Security alerts in Londonderry

A SERIES of security alerts in the heart of Londonderry have resulted in a number of roads in the city being closed.

The Real IRA have claimed responsibility for the bomb scares.

A hijacked van has been left outside Strand Road Police Station and roads between Lawrence Hill and Asylum Road have been closed.

The area is close to two major centres of education, the North West Regional College (NWRC) and the Magee campus of the University of Ulster.

NWRC has confirmed that their Northland and Strand Road sites will remain closed today because of the alerts.

Two medical practices – one at the bottom of Lawrence Hill, another at Asylum Road and several other businesses have been adversely affected by the Strand Road scare.

In the second alert, an area Bishop Street Courthouse has also been cordoned off. Bomb disposal experts have been despatched to both incidents.

Bayview Medical Practice which is close to Strand Road PSNI Station says it too will remain closed until the alerts are cleared.

Doctors at the practice say anyone who experience an emergency should contact the following number-07731308556, but stressed the number should be called in emergencies only.

Police are currently evacuating workers from buildings in the district. Major traffic disruption is anticipated and motorists have been advised to avoid the areas if possible.

Both decks of the Craigavon bridge was also closed to traffic at approximately 9pm although pedestrians were still being allowed to cross on the lower deck at that time.

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