Les Enfants Terribles

Armagh: esplosione presso rivenditore auto

Armagh | © Pacemaker

Domenica mattina è esplosa una pipe bomb all’interno di un rivenditore di automobili ad Armagh

L’allarme sicurezza, iniziato dopo l’esplosione avvenuta nelle prime ore del mattino, è terminato la sera della domenica.

Gli artificieri dell’esercito sono giunti sulla scena in Cathedral Road, Armagh, e l’oggetto esploso è stato portato via per ulteriori esami.

Quattro automobili sono state ritrovate danneggiate intorno alle 7:20.

La polizia ha stabilito che i danni alle auto sono stati provocati dall’esplosione.

L’Ispettore Will Tate ha affermato: “Rapporti e indagini ci portano a credere che l’esplosione sia avvenuta intorno alle 00:40 e che l’ordigno è stato lasciato dieci minuti prima da una persona con uno zaino.

“Gli artificieri hanno descritto l’oggetto come un’ordigno esplosivo improvvisato a forma di pipe bomb.

“Chiedo a chiunque abbia informazioni su questo incidente di contattare gli investigatori alla stazione di polizia di Lurgan”.

L’allarme ha provocato molti disagi, con l’evacuazione di alcune abitazioni e la deviazione del traffico di quanti si recavano a messa presso la cattedrale di San Patrizio.

Gerry Gribbon, un residente della zona, ha detto di aver udito l’esplosione.

“Non abbiamo più saputo nulla e quindi stamattina siamo andati in chiesa e la zona era cordonata. Così abbiamo scoperto cosa è accaduto nel corso della giornata”, ha detto a UTV.

Thomas O’Hanlon, consigliere SDLP di Armagh, ha detto: “I residenti ci hanno detto di aver sentito uno scoppio la notte scorsa.

“La polizia al momento sta compiendo indagini approfondite.

“Questo ha provocato molti disagi nell’area, per chi andava a messa nella cattedrale, per l’ostello dei senza tetto e per i negozi”.

Armagh alert caused by pipe bomb at car dealership

An explosion reported in Armagh was caused by a pipe bomb left at a car dealership, police have said.

The security alert, which began after reports of an explosion in the early hours of the morning, is coming to an end on Sunday evening.

Army bomb experts attended the scene at Cathedral Road and an exploded viable object was taken away for further examination.

Four cars were reported damaged in the yard of the premises just after 7.20am.

Police have determined the damage had been caused by an explosion.

Detective Inspector Will Tate said: “Further reports and investigations since then lead us to believe that the explosion occurred at approximately 12.40am and that the device was left by a person carrying a backpack at approximately 12.30am.

“ATO have described the object as an improvised viable pipe bomb type device.

“I would ask anyone who has any information about this incident to contact detectives at Lurgan Police Station on the non-emergency number 101.

“Or if someone would prefer to provide information without giving their details, they can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers and speak to them anonymously on 0800 555 111.”

The alert caused disruption on Sunday, with homes evacuated and mass-goers leaving St Patrick’s Cathedral diverted while a cordon was in place.

All roads, apart from a small section of the Cathedral Road, have reopened and evacuated residents are now able to return to their homes.

Gerry Gribbon, a local resident, said he heard the explosion.

“We never heard any more about it and then we went to church this morning and the place was closed off. So as the day progressed more and more seemed to be happening,” he told UTV.

Local SDLP councillor Thomas O’Hanlon said: “Local residents and businesses are telling us that they heard explosions last night.

“Police are currently at the scene carrying out an investigation.

“It’s caused a lot of disruption in the area this morning, mass was on at the cathedral, there’s a hostel for the homeless at this location and a number of businesses which are all being disrupted because of the ongoing investigations.”

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