Les Enfants Terribles

Attacco settario a Fountain

psni strand road, derryLa casa di una donna cattolica è stata attaccata da una gang di quasi 20 persone nel quartiere a predominanza protestante di Fountain, a Derry

La finestre dalla casa di Aubrey Street sono state infrante durante l’aggressione di martedì sera.

La donna si trovava nell’abitazione al momento dell’attacco ma non ha riportato ferite.

La polizia ha detto di ritenere l’attacco di matrice settaria. Hanno chiesto ad eventuali testimoni di contattarli presso la stazione di Strand Road.

Sectarian mob attack woman’s home

The home of a Catholic woman has been attacked by a mob of up to 20 people in the predominantly Protestant Fountain estate in Londonderry.

The windows of the house in Aubrey Street were smashed during the attack on Tuesday night.

The woman was in the house at the time but was not injured.

The police have said they are treating the attack as sectarian. They have appealed for anyone with information to contact them at Strand Road.

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