Les Enfants Terribles

Bonfire 2013: raddoppiano le chiamate ai pompieri

Bonfire a Highfield Estate, West Belfast | The bonfire in the loyalist Highfield Estate in west Belfast on the Eleventh of July. © Presseye
Il Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service (NIFRS) ha ricevuto una chiamata di emergenza ogni 77 secondi mentre i bonfire lealisti ardevano in tutta l’Irlanda del Nord.

Dalle 18 all’1 della notte del 12 luglio i pompieri hanno ricevuto 184 chiamate. Quaranta due incidenti sono collegati agli eventi della notte dell’11 luglio.

A Craigavon le squadre intervenute sul luogo di un bonfire si sono dovute ritirare perché aggredite da giovani con lancio di pietre. Nessun pompiere è rimasto ferito.

In alcuni casi il forte calore emanato dalle cataste incendiate ha messo in pericolo le proprietà adiacenti, costringendo i pompieri a raffreddarle con potenti getti d’acqua.

Un bonfire a Cluan Place, East Belfast, ha provocato un principio di incendio ad una proprietà.

Nella Contea di Down, alcune abitazioni situate in Huntly Road a Banbridge, e Ballyminetragh Gardens a Bangor, hanno richiesto l’intervento dei pompieri per raffreddarle esternamente, data la vicinanza con il calore sprigionato dai bonfire.

Gli equipaggi del NIFRS sono intervenuti in 25 casi per spegnere incendi ad arbusti e ai prati.

Per il Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service il numero di chiamate è aumentato del 100% rispetto alla notte dell’11 luglio 2012.

One call every 77 seconds for fire service on Eleventh night

The Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service (NIFRS) dealt with one call every 77 seconds last night as loyalists lit bonfires marking the start of their holiday season, it was revealed.

From 6pm until 1am this morning it received 184 calls. Over a three-hour period it dealt with calls every 77 seconds. Forty-two incidents were related to the traditional “Eleventh Night”.

In Craigavon crews attending a bonfire had to withdraw after they came under attack from youths throwing stones but there were no injuries.

In some cases the fierce heat produced put nearby properties at risk, forcing the fire service to cool them using jets of water.

A blaze at Cluan Place, east Belfast, near where serious sectarian rioting has broken out in the past, caused some minor external fire damage at a nearby property.

In County Down, a number of houses at Huntly Road, Banbridge, and Ballyminetragh Gardens, Bangor, required external cooling due to heat coming from nearby bonfires.

Crews also attended 25 minor gorse and grass fires.

The NIFRS said the total of 184 fire calls was up by almost 100% on last year.

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