Les Enfants Terribles

Derry: uomo a volto coperto lancia ordigno contro abitazione

C’è stata un’esplosione in una casa a Derry nella tarda serata di lunedì

Bomba a DerryLunedì alle 23:15 un uomo a volto coperto ha lanciato un ordigno contro una casa situata in Glenbank Road.

Nessuo era presente nell’abitazione. L’edificio è stato largamente danneggiato dallo scoppio.

Per Mark H Durkan, parlamentare SDLP, qualcuno sarebbe potuto restare ferito: “Per grande fortuna non c’era nessuno in casa al momento”, afferma.

“In caso contrario non ho dubbi che sentiremmo parlare di qualcuno gravemente ferito o peggio”.

La finestra anteriore della casa è stata infranta nell’attacco ed il fumo ha imbrattato le pareti dell’edificio.

Una finestra dell’abitazione adesso è stata rinforzata con pannelli di compensato.

Londonderry: masked man throws device at house

There has been an explosion at a house in Londonderry.

A masked man threw a device at the house on the Glenbank Road in the city at about 2315 BST on Monday night.

No-one was in the house at the time. The building was extensively damaged in the blast.

Mark H Durkan, MLA, said someone could have been seriously hurt in the attack. “It is extremely fortunate that no-one was in it at the time,” he said.

“If so, I have no doubt in my mind that we would be hearing about someone who was seriously injured or worse.”

The front window of the house was smashed in the attack and there is smoke damage on the building.

A window at the house has now been boarded up.

The police have appealed for anyone with information to contact them.

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