Les Enfants Terribles

Dolours Price offre aiuto per la ricerca dei “Disappeared”

Dolours PriceDolour Price ha contattato l’Independent Commission for the Location of Victims’ Remains (Commissione Indipendente per il Ritrovamento dei Resti delle Vittime), offrendosi per fornire informazioni su alcuni dei “Disappeared” (gli Scomparsi).

La Price, incarcerata nel 1973 insieme alla sorella Marian per la campagna repubblicana sul suolo inglese compreso l’attacco al tribunale dell’Old Bailey, vorrebbe aiutare le ricerche di almeno tre Disappeared – Joe Lynskey, inserito dalla Commissione nella lista degli scomparsi il 18 febbraio, Seamus Wright e Kevin McKee.

Dolours Price era una figura molto importante all’interno dell’Irish Republican Army negli anni Settanta e potrebbe essere in grado di aiutare nel ritrovamento di alcuni dei corpi.

Ieri (il 18 febbraio, Ndt), sull’Irish News, Dolours Price ha affermato che le attività dell’IRA erano compiute in base agli ordini del “Commanding Officer”, Gerry Adams.

La Price, divorziata dall’attore Stephen Rea, non ha voluto rilasciare alcun commento, dopo essere stata contattata dall’Irish Times.

Adams ha riferito all’Irish News di respingere completamente “qualsiasi accusa fatta da Dolours Price”. Parlando a West Belfast, ha aggiunto che “Dolours si è scagliata contro la dirigenza dello Sinn Fein in molte occasioni”.

“E’ anche importante non perdere di vista le persone assassinate e seppellite dall’IRA – e ci sono stati molti sforzi per recuperare i resti. Penso dobbiamo essere molto cauti nel trattare quegli eventi”, ha aggiunto Adams.

La Commissione non ha voluto rilasciare commenti sulla questione. “Non facciamo commenti su chi può o non può parlare con noi”, ha detto un portavoce.

Fonti ben informate, comunque, affermano che la Price vorrebbe assistere la Commissione, e si è messa in contatto con gli uffici per notizie riguardanti le persone scomparse agli inizi degli anni Settanta e ritenute fatte scomparire e assassinate dall’IRA.

La parlamentare europea del DUP, Diane Dodds, ha detto che la PSNI dovrebbe lanciare una “urgente indagine” sulle voci riguardanti Adams ed il suo ruolo di “ufficiale di comando” nell’IRA, come riferito dal Dolours Price, quando alcuni dei Disappeared furono uccisi dai Provisional IRA.

Price offers to help locate ‘disappeared’

OLD BAILEY bomber Dolours Price has contacted the Independent Commission for the Location of Victims’ Remains, offering to provide information about some of the “disappeared”, according to informed sources.

Ms Price, who with her sister Marion was convicted of the 1973 London bombings including the attack on the Old Bailey court, is understood to be willing to assist in relation to at least three of the disappeared – Joe Lynskey, whom the commission yesterday acknowledged as a new victim on the official list of the disappeared; Seamus Wright and Kevin McKee.

Ms Price (59) was a senior figure in the IRA in the early 1970s and may be able to assist in locating some of the bodies.

Yesterday’s Irish News reported that she said her IRA activities were carried out on the direct orders of her then “commanding officer”, Gerry Adams.

Ms Price, who is divorced from actor Stephen Rea, would make no comment yesterday when contacted by The Irish Times .

Mr Adams told the Irish News that he entirely rejected “any allegations made by Dolours Price”. Speaking in west Belfast yesterday, he added that “Dolours has set her self against the Sinn Féin leadership on many occasions”.

“It is also important that we don’t lose sight of the people who were killed and buried by the IRA – and there has been an ongoing effort to get those remains back. I think we have to be very measured about how we deal with all of these events,” added Mr Adams.

The commission would make no comment on the matter. “We don’t comment on who or who may not speak to us,” said a spokesman.

Informed sources, however, said that Ms Price wanted to assist the commission, and had contacted it about people who went missing in the early 1970s and were believed to have been murdered by the IRA.

DUP MEP Diane Dodds said the PSNI should launch an “urgent investigation” into the claim that Mr Adams was Ms Price’s “officer commanding” in the IRA when several of the “disappeared” were murdered by the Provisional IRA.

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