Les Enfants Terribles

Dublino: Anniversario della morte di Alan Ryan [foto]

Alan Ryan Memorial March | © Leon Farrell/Photocall Ireland

Un arresto durante lo svolgimento della marcia, ma la Gardai afferma che tutto si è svolto tranquillamente

Importante presenta della polizia irlandese nella zona di Donaghmede/Balgriffin a Dublino, durante il radunoi dei sostenitori della Real IRA per segnare l’anniversario dell’omicidio del loro leader Alan Ryan.

Il trentunenne fu ucciso a Clongriffin il 3 settembre 2012.

Gardaí ha detto al TheJournal.ie che l’evento si è svolto con tranquillità, con un solo arresto per reati di ordine pubblico. Alla marcia hanno partecipato circa 200 persone.

La Gardai è rimasta in contatto con la famiglia Ryan nelle ultime settimane. La marcia è partita dalla casa della famiglia a Grange Abbey prima di recarsi al Fingal Cemetery a Balgriffin.

L’anno scorso alcuni paramilitari a volto coperto esplosero una salva di colpi in aria, provocando una rabbiosa reazione del ministro della Giustizia di Dublino, Alan Shatter.

Alan Ryan Memorial March | © Leon Farrell/Photocall Ireland

Huge garda presence for Alan Ryan anniversary march

One man was arrested for public order offences but gardaí say the event went off smoothly.

THERE WAS A significant garda presence in the Donaghmede/Balgriffin area of Dublin this afternoon as Real IRA supporters gathered to mark the anniversary of former boss Alan Ryan.

The 31-year-old was shot dead in a housing estate in Clongriffin on 3 September last year.

Gardaí told TheJournal.ie that the event passed off smoothly, with just one arrest for a public order offence. About 200 people attended the march.

A garda liaison has been in contact with the Ryan family in recent weeks. The march began at the family home in Grange Abbey before proceeding to Balgriffin’s Fingal Cemetery.

There was outrage in the area last year after men and women dressed in paramilitary gear fired a volley of shots over the convicted criminal’s coffin as it was being removed from the family home.

Justice Minister Alan Shatter later described the display as “reprehensible and absolutely unacceptable”.

Alan Ryan Memorial March | © Leon Farrell/Photocall Ireland

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