Les Enfants Terribles

Due persone accusate per i disordini di Derry

Un ventiseienne deve rispondere di 10 accuse collegate ai disordini scoppiati a Derry dopo la parata degli Apprentice Boys

Riot @ Bogside, DerryL’uomo è accusato di numerosi reati, tra cui comportamento rivoltoso, sequestro di automezzo, lancio di bottiglie incendiarie, incendio doloso, tentato danneggiamento e guida pericolosa.

E’ comparso ieri in aula a Derry.

Nel frattempo anche un ventitreenne è stato accusato di 10 reati legati ai disordini.

Il giovane dovrebbe essere comparso in tribunale oggi.

Il 13 agosto la polizia divenne bersaglio di un fitto lancio di bottiglie molotov e di altri oggetti.

Two charged over Londonderry riots

A 26-year-old man faces more than ten charges connected to rioting in Londonderry following this year’s Apprentice Boy’s parade through the city.

The man is accused of a number of offences including riotous behaviour, hijacking, throwing petrol bombs, arson and attempted criminal damage and dangerous driving.

He was expected to appear in court in Londonderry on Tuesday morning.

Meanwhile, a 23-year-old man has also been charged with ten offences in connection with the violence, including attempted hijacking, throwing petrol bombs, riotous behaviour, common assault and criminal damage.

He is expected to appear in court in the city on Wednesday.

Police came under attack from petrol bombs and other missiles during the public disorder on 13 August.

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