Les Enfants Terribles

Famiglia di Ballymoney costretta a fuggire via

Una famiglia cattolica si è trasferita da Ballymoney, dopo aver subito un attacco settario

Ballymoney sectarian attack | Ballymoney attacco settarioLa coppia, entrambi sessantenni, viveva in Trinity Drive da oltre 40 anni.

Il parabrezza della loro auto è stato infranto.

Alcuni graffiti, con riferimento all’ultima contenziosa parata di Rasharkin, hanno imbrattato i muri della loro casa.

Poco dopo l’attacco hanno ricevuto delle minacce, quindi hanno deciso di andarsene.


Lo Sinn Fein indica l’UDA come responsabile delle minacce.

“Voglio dire, mi è abbastanza chiaro che la minaccia provenga da UDA”, riferisce il cosigliere dello Sinn Fein, Philip McGuigan, a Utv.

“L’UDA deve aprire gli occhi e smettere di molestare la gente a causa della loro religione e lasciarli alle proprie vite. Questa è una minaccia molto sinistra che la famiglia, naturalmete, ha preso molto seriamente”, ha aggiunto.

La famiglia ha riferito a Utv di essere troppo sotto pressione per parlare con i mezzi di comunicazione.

“Sicuramente condanno qualsiasi violenza che costringe delle persone abitanti nella cittadina da oltre 40 anni ad abbandonarla. Condanno con forza qualsiasi violenza contro quella famiglia”, riferisce il sindaco di Ballymoney, Frank Campbell del DUP.

Anche il vicino edificio dell’Ancient Order of Hibernian a Rosnashane ed un club gaelico sono stati imbrattati di scritte.

La polizia ha confermato la gestione dell’incidente di Ballymoney come attacco settario.

Video from Utv

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Ballymoney family forced to move

A Catholic family has moved out of Ballymoney, after their home was targeted in a sectarian attack.

The couple in their sixties had lived on Trinity Drive for 40 years.

The windscreen of their car was broken.

Graffiti, referring to last week’s contentious loyalist band parade in nearby Rasharkin, was also daubed on their house.

Shortly after the attack they received a threat and decided to move out.


Sinn Fein has claimed the UDA was behind the threat.

“I mean, it’s quite clear to me that the threat has come from the UDA,” Sinn Fein Councillor Philip McGuigan told UTV.

“The UDA need to wise up and stop harassing people because of their religion and let them get on with their lives. This is a very sinister threat which the family, quite rightly, have taken seriously,” he added.

The family have told UTV they were too distressed to speak to the media.

“I would certainly condemn any violence that makes people who have been established and live in the town, lived in that area for 40 years to have to move out. I would certainly condemn any violence towards that family,” the Mayor of Ballymoney, DUP Councillor Frank Campbell, said.

Graffiti was also daubed on the Ancient Order of Hibernian hall at Rosnashane and on a nearby Gaelic club.

The police have confirmed they were treating the incident in Ballymoney as sectarian.

Video from Utv

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