Les Enfants Terribles

Fermiamo la tortura britannica a Maghaberry

End British torture in MaghaberryI cartelli sono comparsi a Newry e nel South Armagh nei giorni scorsi.

Un cartello lasciato a Edentubber è stato tolto da anti-repubblicani – che probabilmente sono d’accordo con le torture riservate agli irlandesi nella prigione di Maghaberry.

I cartelli sono stati preparati ed eretti dal Republican Prisoners Support Group di Newry/South Armagh.

End British Torture in Maghaberry

Theses signs have been erected across Newry and South Armagh over the past few days.

One which erected at Edentubber was pulled down by anti-republicans who obviously agree with Irishmen being tortured by the British in Maghaberry.

The signs were erected by the Newry/South Armagh Republican Prisoners Support Group.

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