Les Enfants Terribles

Funerale militare a West Belfast per Tommy Crossan

Il funerale di Tommy Crossan in Falls Road, West Belfast | © Utv

Il funerale di Tommy Crossan in Falls Road, West Belfast | © Utv

Giovedì mattina uomini a volto coperto hanno accompagnato il feretro di Tommy Crossan verso la chiesa di West Belfast in cui si è tenuto il servizio funebre

Il quarantatreenne è stato assassinato in pieno giorno in Springfield Road.

La cerimonia funebre si è svolta presso la chiesa di San Giovanni Evangelista in Falls Road.

Ex membro della Continuity IRA, Tommy Crossan stava lavorando presso un’azienda familiare nel complesso Peter Pan quando è stato attaccato.

Gli hanno sparato diverse volte attraverso una finestra di un piccolo ufficio portatile intorno alle 16:45 del Venerdì Santo. È stato colpito alla parte superiore del corso e dichiarato morto sulla scena.

Tommy Crossan lascia una moglie, sei figli e cinque nipoti.

Sabato la polizia ha dichiarato di non escludere la faida interna alla Continuity IRA come movente per l’omicidio.

Un ventiseienne è stato arrestato e poi rilasciato senza alcuna accusa.

La PSNI indaga sul presunto collegamento con l’omicidio di una BMW rossa trovata in fiamme nella zona di Beechmount poco dopo l’omicidio.

Masked men escort murder victim’s coffin

Masked men have escorted the coffin of murdered dissident republican Tommy Crossan to a west Belfast church for his funeral service on Thursday morning.

The 43-year-old was gunned down in broad daylight on the lower Springfield Road on Good Friday.

Mr Crossan’s funeral mass took place at St. John the Evangelist Church on the Falls Road.

A former senior Continuity IRA figure, he was working at a family business in the Peter Pan complex when he was ambushed.

He was shot a number of times through the window of a portable cabin at 4.45pm. He was hit in the upper body and pronounced dead at the scene.

Mr Crossan was from west Belfast and leaves behind a wife, six children and five grandchildren.

Police confirmed on Saturday that he was known to them and that they have not ruled out a dissident republican feud in relation to his murder.

A 26-year-old man arrested in west Belfast by police investigating the murder was released without charge.

A red BMW car, which was set on fire at nearby Beechmount Grove, was discovered after the fatal shooting and a link is being investigated.

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