Les Enfants Terribles

Ian Paisley esce da terapia intensiva

Ian PaisleyL’ex primo ministro Ian Paisley è uscito dal reparto di terapia intensiva.

Lord Bannside si trova presso l’Ulster Hospital dopo aver avuto seri problemi cardiaci.

Attualmente, secondo le voci giornalistiche, si troverebbe ricoverato nell’unità di cardiologia.

Il South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust non ha rilasciato alcun commento.

La famiglia Paisley è sempre stata al capezzale dell’ex leader del DUP.

La scorsa settimana l’attuale primo ministro ed il suo vice hanno chiesto alla popolazione di pregare per la salute di Ian Paisley.

Sia Peter Robinson che Martin McGuinness sono in contatto con la famiglia Paisley.

Nel week end, anche i membri della Free Presbyterian Church – fondata da Ian Paisley – hanno pregato per la sua guarigione.

Ian Paisley – adesso Lord Bannside – è stato parlamentare di North Antrim per quasi 40 anni.

C’erano già state preoccupazioni per la salute di Paisley, anni fa, quando appariva molto dimagrito.

Ma chi era presente nella Martyrs Memorial Church di Belfast lo scorso mese, per il sermone di addio, parla di un uomo in forma per la sua età.

Dopo essersi ritirato dalla vita politica e dalla chiesa, Paisley stava pianificando di scrivere la propria autobiografia.

Paisley ‘out of intensive care’

FORMER First Minister Ian Paisley has been moved out of intensive care, according to reports.

Lord Bannside has been receiving care at the Ulster Hospital after taking unwell earlier this month.

It is believed the ex-DUP leader is suffering from a serious heart condition.

Reports on Thursday claimed Dr Paisley has moved from intensive care and is now in the hospital’s cardiac unit.

The South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust has not commented on the reports.

Dr Paisley’s family – including his wife Baroness Paisley and son Ian Jnr – have maintained a bedside vigil throughout his illness.

Last week, the First and Deputy First Ministers called on the public to pray for the former DUP leader.

Both Peter Robinson and Martin McGuinness have been in contact with the Paisley family.

At the weekend, worshippers at Dr Paisley’s Martyrs’ Memorial Free Presbyterian Church in east Belfast also led prayers for his recovery.

Dr Paisley – who after entering the House of Lords became Lord Bannside – was MP for North Antrim for almost 40 years.

There had been concerns several years ago about Dr Paisley’s health, when he lost weight and looked gaunt.

But those who were present for his farewell sermon at the Martyrs Memorial Church in Belfast last month remarked on how well he appeared for his age.

After withdrawing from church and public life, Dr Paisley was planning to write his autobiography.

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