Les Enfants Terribles

Il comunicato di Iris Robinson

La decisione di Iris Robinson di lasciare la politica ha colto di sorpresa molti colleghi di partito.
La Robinson, moglie del primo ministro nordirlandese, dovrebbe mantenere il seggio a Westminster, conquistato alle passate elezioni generali, fino alla prossima tornata elettorale, mentre verrebbe sostituita il più presto possibile nel suo ruolo di guida della commissione sanitaria al parlamento di Stormont.
Di seguito riportiamo, in lingua inglese, il comunicato rilasciato da Iris Robinson, dove annuncia l’abbandono della vita politica.

Iris Robinson’s statement in full

“IN order to make progress with the selection process for the Westminster General Election the party officers asked each of its MPs to advise them of their intentions.
“As many people will be aware I have recently tried to return to the full-time work of representing my constituents following my latest period of illness. Over the years I have undergone a long series of operations and though I have never talked about it publicly, I have, against this background, also battled against serious bouts of depression. Only those who have faced similar challenges in life will know the ordeal faced by those who are profoundly depressed and the distress caused to those around them as they grapple with personality changing illness. One in four of the population struggle with mental illnesses at one level or another yet few talk about it openly. When I am better able to do so I want to say more about this period of my life.

“The stress and strain of public life comes at a cost and my health has suffered. Regrettably I have concluded, after considering the matter over Christmas and discussing it with Peter, who has always been most supportive and caring, that I can no longer maintain the high standard of service I require of myself, meet the demands of office and cope with the pressures of public life without my health deteriorating yet further.

“I have always considered it an enormous privilege to serve the people of Strangford and it has been a most rewarding and satisfying experience. I do not intend to seek re-election to public office and will discuss with party colleagues how best to effect a smooth and seamless transition.

“It has been an immense honour to serve the people of this constituency in various elected roles since 1989 and as MP since 2001. I cannot begin to explain how much I have genuinely and thoroughly enjoyed meeting with, and working for, the people of Strangford. Having inherited a constituency that had no significant advice centre network we have worked hard to build up the service that is now available to the area. I am proud to have been part of a team that now consists of not only a Democratic Unionist MP, but four Assembly members and a massive team in local government.

“It has been gratifying to see the substantial increase of support for the party in the constituency since I first stood. I was particularly pleased that the returns from the European election count showed the DUP still comfortably topped the poll in Strangford.

“I want to take this opportunity to thank all those who voted for me at each of the elections as well as the many thousands who stood by me during difficult and sometimes controversial periods. At all times in public life I have tried to do what I believed was in the best interests of those whom I served.

“I will, of course, continue to take a keen interest in politics and give full support to my husband and the party he leads.”

Video da Utv

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