Les Enfants Terribles

Irish Republican Socialist Committees of North America Easter Statement 2014

Il testo della dichiarazione rilasciata dall’Irish Republican Socialist Committees for Northern America in occasione delle commemorazioni di Pasqua 2014

Comrades, at this Easter time, the Irish Republican Socialist Committees of North America send solidarity greetings to our comrades and fellow members of the Irish Republican Socialist Movement in the Irish Republican Socialist Party, Irish National Liberation Army, Republican Socialist Youth Movement, and Teach na Failte. We are particularly mindful of our imprisoned comrades in Portlaoise Prison.

On this day, the 98th anniversary of the 1916 Easter Rising, we remember with pride all those who have given their lives for an Irish Workers’ Republic. We pay homage to the brave volunteers and activists of the INLA and IRSP who made the ultimate sacrifice.

This year is an important one for Republican Socialism. We celebrate the 40th anniversary of the founding of the Irish Republican Socialist Movement. We are very proud that 40 years later, we can say we stand here with our principles intact. Even after attacks by both the British and Free State forces, loyalist paramilitaries, and counter revolutionaries, including the assassinations of our leaders such as Seamus Costello, Miriam Daly, Ta Power, and Gino Gallagher, we have not been defeated. We still carry on the message of Connolly, that the struggles for national liberation and socialism cannot be separated. This year also sees the 30th anniversary of the IRSCNA. Over the last 3 decades, we have organized events, gathered funds, and raised awareness for the movement back home in Ireland. In this our 30th year, the IRSCNA Coordinating Committee is continually working on how to best organize ourselves to serve the IRSM in the 21st century.

While a lot has changed in Ireland since the movement was founded in 1974, much as remained the same. Irishmen and women are still being interned by the British state. While former revolutionaries try to paint the Orange state green, Stormont it is still a bigoted reactionary assembly. It is still based on sectarian divisions. Unionists continue making more demands and the nationalists are expected to forever give ground to maintain the sectarian agreement. This has been made clear by the continued internment by remand of Republicans, discrimination in housing allocation, and the hostility to our Gaelic games and language. We were pleased to see thousands march in Belfast as part of an Lá Dearg, and call upon all Republican Socialists to support civil rights for Irish speakers on both sides of the border.

We in IRSCNA are confident in the in the direction the IRSP leadership has taken in recent years and in this our 30th year, we will recommit ourselves to supporting the movement here in North America. We will do our best to make sure that the message of the Party of Connolly, Costello, and Gallagher is heard loud and clear here among the Diaspora.

Onward to the Workers Republic, Saoirse go Deo!

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