Les Enfants Terribles

La famiglia Lawlor accusa: la PSNI ha sbagliato le indagini

L’assassinio di Gerard Lawlor, ucciso 10 anni fa dai lealisti, non è stato investigato adeguatamente dall’ex forza di polizia, afferma la famiglia del giovane

Gerard LawlorLa famiglia dell’ultima vittima cattolica, assassinata dai paramilitari lealisti, ha accusato la polizia di essere più interessata a proteggere gli informatori che a cercare gli assassini del figlio.

Gerard Lawlor fu ucciso a North Belfast il 22 luglio 2002 mentre tornava a casa dopo aver trascorso la serata in un pub. L’Ulster Freedom Fighters, nome di copertura dell’UDA, si è assunta in seguito la propria responsabilità per l’assassinio.

Gli avvocati della famiglia giovedì hanno rilasciato un rapporto, a 10 anni dall’omicidio, in cui si afferma che la polizia ignorò prove testimoniali presentate dopo l’assalto mortale. Si trattava del primo omicidio settario sui cui indagava l’appena formata Police Service of Northern Ireland.

Nel rapporto si dice che la sera dell’omicidio la PSNI “non prese adeguate misure preventive” dopo ben quattro tentativi di sparare ad un cattolico fatti dall’unità UFF operante nella zona. L’omicidio venne deciso dopo che un uomo protestante fu aggredito nel corso di quella serata.

L’inchiesta sulla morte di Gerard Lawlor, rilasciata a Belfast, ha trovato “gravi mancanze” nel modo in cui le indagini, compresa quella del Police Ombudsman, sono state eseguite.

Sul ruolo di una testimona chiave, il rapporot conclude: “Una testimone anonima, conosciuta come Testimone X, riferì alla PSNI di aver visto due uomini incendiare una macchina e di averli sentiti parlare dell’omicidio di Gerard Lawlor nel parco di Cave Hill la sera stessa dell’omicidio. L’auto fu ritrovata, avvalorando la sua testimonianza, ma lei fu totalmente ignorata”.

Northern Ireland victim’s family accuses PSNI over sectarian murder

Loyalist killing 10 years ago of Catholic Gerard Lawlor was not investigated properly by newly formed police force, family claims

The family of the last Catholic civilian shot dead by loyalist paramilitaries in Northern Ireland has accused police of being more interested in protecting informers than finding their son’s killers.

Gerard Lawlor was murdered in north Belfast on 22 July 2002 on his way home from a night out in a local pub. A loyalist terror group, the Ulster Freedom Fighters (a cover name for the UDA), later admitted responsibility.

Launching a report on Thursday, 10 years after the murder, the family’s solicitors allege the police ignored eyewitness evidence which came to their attention after the shooting. It was the first sectarian murder investigated by the newly formed Police Service of Northern Ireland.

The report claims that on the night of the killing the PSNI “failed to take preventative measures” as there had been at least four attempts by a UFF unit operating in north Belfast to shoot Catholics in the area. The killing spree started in the north of the city after a Protestant man had been attacked earlier that evening.

The inquiry into the Lawlor murder, released in Belfast , said it had found “serious deficiencies” in the way several investigations, including one by the police ombudsman, had been carried out.

On the role of a crucial eyewitness, the report concluded: “An anonymous witness, known as Witness X, told the PSNI she had seen two men burning a car and heard them boasting about Gerard Lawlor’s murder in Cave Hill country park on the night of the murder. The burned-out car was recovered, corroborating her evidence, but she was ignored.”

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