Les Enfants Terribles

Breaking News – Massereene Trial: Colin Duffy non colpevole

Colin Duffy è stato prosciolto dalle accuselegate all’attacco repubblicano contro Massereene Barracks

Colin Duffy - Brian ShiversIl giudice Anthony Hart ha riferito in aula di essere soddisfatto del ritrovamento del DNA di Colin Duffy sulla fibbia della cintura di sicurezza della macchina utilizzata per la fuga dal gruppo di fuoco e su un guanto di lattice – ma ha spiegato che l’accusa non è riuscita a collegare l’accusato con l’attacco.

“Considero non sufficienti le prove che mi dovevano convincere oltre ogni ragionevole dubbio che, qualsiasi cosa Duffy possa aver fatto dopo aver indossato il guanto in lattice o toccato la cintura di sicurezza, stesse preparando in qualche modo l’automobile per questo attacco omicida”, ha dichiarato il giudice.

“E quindi lo dichiaro non colpevole”.

Il giudice Hart ha presieduto il processo senza giuria sin dall’inizio di novembre.

Duffy era accusato per gli omicidi dei genieri Mark Quinsey, 23 anni, e Patrick Azimkar, 21 anni, colpiti a morte mentre ritiravano delle pizze all’esterno della caserma di Antrim il 7 marzo 2009.

I due soldati, insieme ai commilitoni del 38° Reggimento Genieri, si apprestavano a partire per l’Afghanistan.

Dopo la sentenza, Duffy dovrebbe essere immediatamente rilasciato dalla custodia.

Tra poco è atteso il verdetto in relazione all’altro co-imputato, Brian Shivers.

Entrambi gli uomini hanno sempre negato qualsiasi accusa.

L’attacco era stato rivendicato dalla Real IRA.

Duffy not guilty of Massereene murders

Prominent republican Colin Duffy has been found not guilty of carrying out the murders of two soldiers at Massereene Army barracks in Antrim in March 2009.

Diplock judge Mr Justice Anthony Hart told the court he was satisfied that Duffy’s DNA was found on a seat belt buckle of the car believed to have been used by the gunmen and on a latex glove tip – but that the prosecution had failed to link the defendant to the murder plot.

“I consider that there is insufficient evidence to satisfy me beyond reasonable doubt that, whatever Duffy may have done when he wore the latex glove or touched the seatbelt buckle, meant that he was preparing the car in some way for this murderous attack,” the judge said.

“And I therefore find him not guilty.”

Mr Justice Hart has been presiding over the non-jury trial since it began in November last year and made his ruling on Friday morning.

Duffy had been charged with the murders of Sappers Mark Quinsey, 23, and Patrick Azimkar, 21, who were gunned down as they collected a pizza delivery outside Massereene barracks on March 7 2009.

The young soldiers, along with their 38 Engineers regiment, were due to be deployed to Afghanistan early the next day.

Having been acquitted, Duffy is now due to be released from custody.

The court was cleared for a time before proceedings continued and a verdict is imminent in relation to Duffy’s co-accused Brian Shivers.

Both men have denied all the charges against them throughout their trial.

The gun attack, which came just two days after then PSNI Chief Constable Sir Hugh Orde confirmed the threat from dissident republicans in Northern Ireland was at critical level, was later claimed by the Real IRA.

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