Les Enfants Terribles

Meno polizia a Derry

psni_roverDerry ha 150 poliziotti in meno rispetto a dieci anni fa, al momento della firma del Good Friday Agreement.

I dati ottenuti in base al Freedom of Information Act (Legge sulla Libertà di Informazione) mostrano come nella Foyle District Command Unit della Police Service of Northern Ireland sono impiegati 281 poliziotti contro i 428 uomini della RUC operanti nel 1998.

Attualmente sono in servizio 164 poliziotti, 37 riservisti e 27 part time mentre undici anni fa c’erano 210 agenti, 124 riservisti e 11 riservisti part time.

Il 90% dei poliziotti dell’unità di Foyle sono operativi con “compiti di ufficio”.

Fewer police on the beat in the City

LONDONDERRY has 150 fewer police officers now than ten years ago when the Belfast Agreement was signed.
Figures obtained under the Freedom of Information Act show there are currently just 281 PSNI officers serving in the Foyle District Command Unit area, in comparison to 428 RUC officers serving in 1998.
The figures show there are 164 constables, 37 reserve constables, and 27 part time police officers currently available for duty.
Eleven years ago, there was 210 constables, 124 reserve constables and eleven part time reservists.
Ninety per cent of PSNI officers in Foyle are operational with the remainder “desk based”.

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