Les Enfants Terribles

North Belfast: un arresto dopo lancio di pipe bomb

Duncairn Gardens, North Belfast | William Cherry - Presseye

Duncairn Gardens, North Belfast | William Cherry - Presseye

Una pipe bomb “funzionante” lanciata contro una vettura parcheggiata a North Belfast ha causato un allarme sicurezza nella giornata di lunedì.

Gli artificieri dell’esercito britannico sono intervenuti in Duncairn Gardens dopo le denunce del lancio di un oggetto sospetto contro una vettura ferma.

L’area è stata chiusa al traffico tra Edlingham Street e North Queen Street e alcune case sono state evacuate.

Un ventisettenne è stato arrestato dalla polizia.

La PSNI riferisce che “una pipe bomb funzionante è stata esaminata dagli artificieri e adesso è stata portata via per ulteriori esami.

“Abbiamo appreso che l’ordigno è stato lanciato contro un’autovettura parcheggiata intorno alle 11 di mattina ma non è detonata”.

Man arrested after pipe bomb thrown at car in north Belfast

A “viable” pipe bomb thrown at a parked car in north Belfast prompted a security alert in Belfast on Monday.

Army bomb teams were sent to the scene in Duncairn Gardens in the north of the city following reports that a suspicious object had been thrown at a parked vehicle.

The area was closed to traffic between Edlingham Street and North Queen Street and a number homes in the area were evacuated.

A 27-year-old man was arrested.

Police said: “A viable pipe bomb type device was examined by Army Technical Officers and has now been removed for further examination.

“It’s understood the device was thrown at a parked car at around 11am this morning but did not detonate.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact police on the non-emergency number 101.

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