Les Enfants Terribles

North Belfast: spari contro tre auto PSNI

Police | Polizia | PSNI

Tre veicoli della polizia sono stati colpiti da diversi proiettili a North Belfast

Il fatto è avvenuto alle 19:10 di giovedì, mentre i poliziotti viaggiavano lungo Crumlin Road vicino a Brompton Park.

Non ci sarebbe stato alcun ferito.

La polizia riferisce che le indagini sono alle fasi preliminare ma l’accaduto è trattato come tentato omicidio.

Il Soprintendente Capo George Clarke ha condannato l’accaduto.

In una dichiarazione ha affermato: “La polizia sta trattando questo attacco come tentato omicidio di agenti di polizia che stavano fornendo un servizio alla comunità di North Belfast.

“Deve essere pienamente condannato da tutti”.

Shots hit police vehicles in Ardoyne

Three police vehicles have been struck by a number of shots in north Belfast.

It happened as officers were travelling along the Crumlin Road near Brompton Park at around 7.10pm on Thursday evening.

There have been no reports of any injuries.

Police said their investigations into the incident are at an early stage but it is being treated as attempted murder.

Chief Superintendant George Clarke has condemned what happened.

In a statement he said: “Police are treating this attack as attempted murder of officers as they were providing a service to the community of north Belfast.

“It is to be utterly condemned by all right-minded members of society.”

Anyone with information has been asked to come forward.

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