Les Enfants Terribles

Orange Order infrange restrizioni della Parades Commission

Una parata dell’Orange Order ha infranto le restrizioni stabilite dalla Commissione Parate sugli inni da suonare durante una marcia a East Belfast

Orange OrderLa Commissione aveva stabilito che un solo inno – Abide With Me – poteva essere suonato in una determinata zona del percorso.

Tuttavia, sono stati suonati “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” e “The World in Union”.

La parata annuale, cui ha partecipato la loggia Ballymacarrett District LOL No 6, è iniziata presso la chiesa presbiteriana di Townsend Street, ha marciato fino a Templemore Avenue e poi è tornata indietro per lo stesso percorso.

La restrizione sulla musica riguardava la parte di Newtownards Road tra il cavalcavia di Bridge End e l’incrocio con Susan Street, a East Belfast.

L’Orange Order aveva protestato sia con il Segretario di Stato Owen Paterson che con il ministro della Giustizia David Ford per le restrizioni volute dalla Commissione.

Orange parade defies Commission’s ‘hymn restrictions’

An Orange Order parade has defied restrictions put in place by the Parades Commission on the hymns to be played during the march.

The Commission had said just one hymn, Abide With Me, should be played on part of the route around Belfast.

However, What a Friend We Have in Jesus and The World in Union were used.

The annual parade, involving Ballymacarrett District LOL No 6, goes from Townsend Street Presbyterian Church to Templemore Avenue and back.

The music restriction applied to the part of the Newtownards Road between the Bridge End flyover and the Susan Street junction.

The order had said it would protest to the NI Secretary of State and the Justice Minister about the
restrictions imposed by the Commission.

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