Les Enfants Terribles

Orange Order “non risponde” alla Commissione Parate

Il nuovo presidente della Commissione Parate ha rivelato di aver scritto al Grand Master dell’Orange Order chiedendo un incontro, ma di non aver mai ricevuto risposta

Peter Osborne | Commissione Parate - Parades CommissionNella prima intervista dopo essersi insediato, Peter Osborne ha detto che il continuo rifiutarsi da parte dell’Orange Order di incontrare l’organismo di controllo delle parate è “una delusione”.

Ma ha affermato che scriverà nuovamente a Edward Stevenson, divenuto Grand Master a gennaio.

Osborne dice di volere “una conversazione amichevole”.

“Ho scritto a Stevenson per congratularmi per la sua nomina e chiedergli un incontro”, ha affermato l’ex consigliere dell’Alliance Party.

“Mi piacerebbe avere un incontro con lui per ascoltare quello che ha da dire l’Ordine e sentire come la Commissione potrebbe operare meglio.

“E’ deludente che non ci sia un incontro a questo livello.

“Ovviamente la commissione continua a ricevere opinioni dalla gnte di vari Ordini. Continueremo a farlo in differenti modi.

“Non spetta a me dare consigli all’Orange Order in quanto tale, ma penso ci siano in Irlanda del Nord sempre più persone che capiscano come parlare ed impegnarsi sia di enorme importanza.

“Non credo che sia nell’interesse dell’Ordine – e sempre più lo stanno comprendendo – continuare a non impegnarsi con la Commissione Parate a livello formale”.

A gennaio Stevenson aveva detto che non avrebbe impostato trattative con lo Sinn Fein o la Commissione Parate.

Riferì che la politica della Grand Orange Lodge era di non incontrare la commissione “come attualmente costituita”.

Orange Order ‘doesn’t reply’ to Parades Commission

The Parades Commission’s new chairman has said he has written to the grand master of the Orange Order requesting a meeting but has received no reply.

In his first interview since taking up the post Peter Osborne said the order’s continuing refusal to engage with the parades body was “a disappointment.”

But he said he would be writing again to Edward Stevenson, who became grand master in January.

Mr Osborne said all he wanted was a “friendly conversation.”

“I’ve written to Mr Stevenson to congratulate him on his appointment and to ask him if we can have a meeting,” the former Alliance councillor said.

“I would very much like to have a meeting with him to listen to what the order has to say and to listen about how the commission can do its business even better.”

“It is disappointing they don’t engage formally at that level.

“Obviously the commission continues to get opinion from people from various orders. We’ll continue to do that in the different ways that we do.

“Its not up to me to give advice to the Orange Order as such, but I think increasingly in the Northern Ireland that we’re in people realise that talking and engagement is hugely important.

“I don’t think its actually in the order’s interest – and increasingly they’re seeing it as not in their interest – to continue to not engage with the Parades Commission at that formal level.”

In January, Mr Stevenson said he would not engage in talks with Sinn Fein or the Parades Commission.

He said Grand Orange Lodge policy remained that it would not meet the commission “as presently constituted”.

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