Les Enfants Terribles

Pipe bomb esplode in cucina. Case evacuate a Dungannon

Una pipe bomb è stata lanciata contro un’abitazione a Dngannon, nella Contea di Tyrone

Pipe bomb @ DungannonE’ avvenuto a Windmill Court, poco dopo l’1 della notte di domenica. Si ritiene che sia stata infranta una finestra e quindi la pipe bomb sia stata lanciata all’interno, causando sensibili danni alla cucina.

Nessuno si trovava in casa al momento dello scoppio e nessuno è rimasto ferito.

Circa 50 persone abitanti nei dintorni sono stati trasferiti presso un centro comunitario per quasi 5 ore, mentre gli artificieri dell’esercito esaminavano l’area.

L’uomo che abita nella casa oggetto dell’attacco si trovava in casa con due amici fino a un’ora prima del lancio della pipe bomb.

Adesso si trova presso dei parenti.

La polizia chiede ad eventuali testimoni di presentarsi.

Pipe bomb explodes in kitchen

A pipe bomb has been thrown into a house in Dungannon, County Tyrone.

It happened at Windmill Court shortly before 0100 BST on Sunday. It is believed a window was smashed and the pipe bomb thrown inside, causing substantial damage to the kitchen.

No-one was in the house at the time, and no injuries have been reported.

About 50 people living nearby were moved from their homes to a community centre for almost five hours while an Army bomb team examined the area.

The man who lived at the house is believed to have been at home with two friends until less than an hour before the attack.

It is understood he has gone to stay with relatives.

Police have appealed for anyone with information about the incident to come forward.

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