Les Enfants Terribles

Pompieri attaccati al tribunale di Crumlin

Pompieri che lottavano contro le fiamme al tribunale di Crumlin Road, a Belfast, sono stati attaccati a colpi di pietre da alcuni giovani

Tribunale di Crumlin RoadI vigili del fuoco stavano spegnendo un piccolo incendio nel retro dell’edificio, scoppiato domenica notte, quando sono finiti sotto attacco.

Era il terzo incendio scoppiato nel vecchio tribunale durante il fine settimana.

Dieci autopompe erano state utilizzate per estinguere un grande incendio all’edificio – che chiuse nel 1998 – a marzo di quest’anno.

Il tribunale fu il luogo dove si tennero centinaia di processi contro i paramilitari durante gli anni dei Troubles.

Fu acquistato dall’attuale presidente del Policing Board, Barry Gilligan, per 1 sterline e nel 2006 annunciò il piano per trasformarlo in un albergo di lusso.

L’architetto dell’edificio originario fu Charles Layon, autore anche della costruzione di altri importanti edifici di Belfast, come la City Hall, la Custom House, il Belfast Castle e la Queen’s University.

Fire crews attacked at court fire

Firefighters tackling fires at the Crumlin Road courthouse in Belfast were attacked by stone throwing youths, it has emerged.

Crews were damping down a small fire at the rear of the building on Sunday night when they came under attack.

It was the third fire at the listed building over the weekend.

Ten fire appliances were used to put out a major fire at the building – which closed in 1998 – in March of this year.

The courthouse was the venue for hundreds of paramilitary trials during the troubles.

It was purchased by the current Policing Board chairman, Barry Gilligan, for £1 and in 2006 he announced plans to transform it into a luxury hotel.

The original architect of the Grade B listed building was Sir Charles Lanyon, who was also involved in the construction of some of Belfast’s landmark buildings including City Hall, Custom House, Belfast Castle and Queen’s University.

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