Les Enfants Terribles

Proiettile contro abitazione a West Belfast

Una coppia ha evitato ferite dopo lo sparo contro la porta d’ingresso di una casa di Belfast

Police officers | Poliziotti | PsniL’attacco, avvenuto in Forfar Street, è stato denunciato alla polizia intorno alle 20.10 di sabato sera.

La coppia era nell’abitazione al momento dello sparo, ma è rimasta illesa.

Gli investigatori chiedono a chiunque fosse nella zona o ha informazioni, di mettersi in contatto al più presto.

Shot is fired at house in west Belfast

A couple have escaped injury after a shot was fired at the front door of a house in Belfast.

The shooting, which took place at Forfar Street in the west of the city, was reported to police at 2010 GMT on Saturday night.

The couple were inside the property at the time but were not hurt.

Detectives have appealed to anyone who was in the area at the time or who has information about the incident to contact them.

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