Les Enfants Terribles

Recuperate pipe bomb a Belfast

PsniDue pipe bomb sono state trovate durante una ricerca pianificate della zona di Ulsterville Drive a South Belfast

Un portavoce della polizia riferisce del ritrovamento di munizioni durante l’operazione di mercoledì sera.

La polizia non ritiene che il ritrovamento possa essere collegato ai recenti attacchi razzisti contro i rumeni abitanti nell’area.

Gli oggetti, trovati in un vicolo, sono stati portati via per ulteriori esami.

Pipe bombs found in city search

Two pipe bombs have been found during a planned police search of the Ulsterville Drive area in south Belfast.

A police spokesman said a quantity of ammunition was also recovered during the operation on Wednesday night.

Police say the find was not in connection with recent racist attacks on Romanians who lived in the area.

The items, which were found in an alleyway, have been taken away for further examination.

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