Les Enfants Terribles

Verdetto Omagh: il testo integrale

< ![CDATA[Qui in allegato trovate l'intero verdetto emesso dal giudice Weir alla conclusione del processo contro Sean Hoey. Inoltre trovate il video realizzato da The Mirror a commento della vicenda. Cliccando sul link seguente, potete scaricare il verdetto (in lingua inglese).

Ecco le conclusioni finali lette dal giudice:

Final Conclusion
[65] I am acutely aware that the stricken people of Omagh and every other right-thinking member of the Northern Ireland community would very much wish to see whoever was responsible for the outrageous events of August 1998 and the other serious crimes in this series of terrorist incidents convicted and punished for their crimes according to law. But I also bear firmly in mind the cardinal principle of the criminal law which, in delivering the judgment of the Court of Appeal in R. v Steenson and others [1986] NIJB17 at page 36, Lord Lowry LCJ re-emphasised in his concluding observations: “Justice ‘according to law’ demands proper evidence. By that we mean not merely evidence which might be true and to a considerable extent probably is true, but, as the learned trial judge put it, “evidence which is so convincing in truth and manifestly reliable that it reaches the standard of proof beyond reasonable doubt.” The evidence against the accused in this case did not reach that immutable standard. Accordingly I find Mr Hoey not guilty on each of the remaining counts on the indictment.

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